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9 Bellevue Avenue
9 Bellevue Avenue

When number 9 was built, the street was unpaved and there was no through traffic. There were only four other houses on their side of the street, and their house had open fields on both sides. In the back, the yard sloped away and provided a great view of the river. This house was a wedding present from James L. shute to his son.

patent for string tying machine
Package Stringing and Tying Machine 1890

<patent forpicture hanger
Picture Hanger 1905

Patents by William Thomas Shute

William T. Shute, was just as inventive as his father had been, and had two items he developed patented. One in 1890 was clearly connected to the fishing business of Shute & Merchant. This particular device was invented to more rapidly tie string around packages, the very thing needed for certain types of the fish products being packaged by the firm.

His second patented invention had nothing to do with the fishing industry. Instead, this 1905 device was a picture hanger. The written description states that this device will make it possible to hang pictures from the floor, without the need of climbing onto chairs or step ladders.

From Richard Shute of Boston Massachusetts 1631-1703 & Selected Progeny by Alan H. Shute and Clark H. Flint

additional material supplied from the company research done by Mary Palmstrom

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